Seth Peck is coming aboard X-MEN this month and he's bringing Daredevil along for a guest appearance in a special two-part story with Domino. I spoke with him about the story and if DD fans would need to be regular readers of X-MEN to completely understand the events coming up. Artwork below by Paul Azaceta, Rico Renzi and David Lopez.
Kuljit Mithra: There had been some confusion about your first issue of X-MEN (#38), as the solicits listed incorrect information and former writer Brian Wood and yourself had to go online to explain the change of writer. As with most online commentary, you had to diffuse the "conspiracy" surrounding it. Can you briefly explain what happened, for those readers who may not know about the handover of writing?
Seth Peck: It was simply a matter of the solicitation copy getting sent in with the wrong name on it. Nothing dramatic, I'm afraid, just a clerical error. It had already gone to press with Brian Wood's name on it, but it was never anything as sexy or interesting as folks might have imagined.
Mithra: One of the first things you mentioned was that Daredevil would play a major part in your first story arc. In the past, DD hasn't really been appearing in other Marvel Universe books, especially anything in the X-Universe. Obviously you can't give too much away, but what does DD bring to this story? Judging from the solicits, it sounds like Domino will be teaming up with DD.
Peck: Yeah, Daredevil is a great character, and he's a lot of fun to write. He's a nice fit because he's so versatile. Action scene or quiet, dialogue-driven scene, he's fantastic in both. I would read a Matt Murdock, attorney-at-law book that was completely costume-free. For X-Men, he'll be teaming up with Domino to take down a supervillain casino and an arms dealer.
Mithra: DD has been paired with many female characters in the past, so what excites you about this team-up with Domino?
Peck: Matt has a great history with dangerous women, and Domino's a great fit with him in terms of holding her own. She's tough, and able to trade quips with Matt...she's very much his equal.
Mithra: So you see this team-up as a way to explore both characters' personalities or are you going to examine the "super" powers each has?
Peck: I think that my story looks more at their personalities than their powers.
Mithra: To be honest (and I feel this might be the same for many DD readers), I haven't really been following events in X-MEN... can you briefly describe what has gone before and what changes/stories you will be exploring?
Peck: The two-issue Daredevil story will take place BEFORE the recent events of AVX, and is pretty much a straight Domino/Daredevil team-story. You don't have to be a follower of the X-titles to enjoy the book, I promise.
Mithra: Where would you place this X-MEN story in the timeline in DAREDEVIL? After Omega Effect?
Peck: I would say this story is post-Omega Effect... but I'm not positive on that.
Mithra: Artist Paul Azazeta will be joining you on X-MEN, and he should be familiar to Mark Waid fans and DD fans. What is it like working with him? He did reveal some preview artwork awhile back and the impression I got (and maybe I'm wrong) was that the story may be a little darker than usual with DD being a part of it.
Peck: Paul is amazing. I have known him for a while, and we have a lot of mutual friends. I've always been a big fan of his work, and we were able to hang out last month in New York and talk about the book. He's as big a Daredevil fan as I am, so we really had a lot of fun working on it. His Daredevil is very rooted in that realistic, gritty, feel, but he's so versatile that he can bring in the outlandish elements of super-heroics without missing a beat. Paul is the kind of guy who really could do any kind of story, from straight crime fiction to cosmic superhero stuff.
Mithra: What do you think of the current DAREDEVIL run? What have been some of your favourite stories for DD?
Peck: I love the current Daredevil team. Chris Samnee has been a friend of mine for many years (we're both from St. Louis) and I was ecstatic when he came on board. He's such a natural fit for the character, he's just brilliant. Mark Waid is doing the best work of his long and storied career, in my opinion. Daredevil is in good hands. As far as past stories go, the Miller and Bendis runs are obvious choices. Daredevil has been fortunate to have some amazing writers and artists...the Mazzuchelli/Miller stuff is probably my favorite, if I were forced to choose, but Bendis' run was so strong from start to finish. There weren't any misfires during his entire tenure.
Mithra: Aside from X-MEN, are you writing any other titles for Marvel, or will you be doing some creator-owned work perhaps?
Peck: I am doing two more issues of X-men, and then launching a HUGE creator owned project this winter that I can't go into specifics about just yet (but I'll be talking about it soon).
(c) 2012 Kuljit Mithra & Seth Peck
Daredevil:The Man Without Fear
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