2008 NEWS

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December 2008

  • 31/12 - [MWF.com in 2008]

    As 2009 fast approaches, I just wanted to say thanks once again for letting me do this as I head into my 13th year next month. It's been quite a busy year for me, and I hope all the changes and additions were well received. I've got two very cool interviews on the go and I hope you guys can get to read them soon.

    We've got some things coming up in 2009... namely Daredevil "500", Daredevil: Noir and maybe even Daredevil: End of Days. Lady Bullseye's first arc will be collected, and the Brubaker/Lark omnibus will also ship. Elektra returns in Dark Reign: Elektra, illustrated by Clay Mann. Randy Bowen has some cool DD mini-busts coming out. Lots of things going on, and I hope Marvel does something cool for issue #500 in the summer.

    Happy New Year everyone!

    -- Kuljit

  • 19/12 - [Retales DD 158]

    Earth-2 Comics' Jud Meyers recounts a tale of what Daredevil #158 means to him and his store...


  • 18/12 - [Widow in IM2?]

    Latino Review is reporting that the Black Widow will be in the next Iron Man movie, along with some other characters...

    Latino Review

  • 17/12 - [DD#114 Preview]

    Comics Bulletin has an "exclusive" first look at next week's Daredevil #114 (fully lettered pages)...

    Comics Bulletin

  • 15/12 - [Blind artist]

    Andre Campbell is a Baltimore comics artist who runs a small company (Heritage Comics HSQ). Here's an article on Campbell in the Washington Post that details the struggles of running a comics company. Campbell draws his inpiration from a certain Man Without Fear, because he has been legally blind since birth...

    Washington Post

  • 13/12 - [DD#117 cover]

    IGN's got a first look of the cover of Daredevil #117... spoilers ahead, as it's a very interesting cover...


  • 12/12 - [Dark Reign: Elektra]

    IGN has some cover and info for some Dark Reign series that will debut in 2009... and there is a limited series for Elektra coming out by writer Zeb Wells and artist Clay Mann.


  • 11/12 - [Brubaker interview]

    Newsarama has a new interview with DD writer Ed Brubaker, where they discuss all things Lady Bullseye and The Hand...


  • 11/12 - [Digitally Born Again]

    If you are a subscriber to Marvel's digital comics, Daredevil: Born Again is in the spotlight this week. Each issue is now available to read...


  • 10/12 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    December 10

    * Daredevil: Man Without Fear Premiere HC (two versions)

    December 17

    * Moon Knight #25 [Bullseye?]
    * Thunderbolts #127 [Bullseye]

  • 05/12 - [Ninja Mayhem]

    Marvel.com has a feature on some past ninja-centric tales... and there is also a preview of Daredevil #114...


  • 04/12 - [Bru/Lark Omnibus!]

    Amazon.ca has a listing for "Daredevil By Ed Brubaker & Michael Lark Omnibus Volume 1 HC". It's listed as 624 pages and will arrive in June 2009. It will collect Daredevil #82-105.


  • 03/12 - [DD114 Variant]

    Here's your first look at the Daredevil #114 "Villain Variant" by Lee Bermejo...


  • 03/12 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    December 4 (or 3rd in some countries)

    * Daredevil by Miller/Janson Vol.2
    * Daredevil Yellow Premiere HC (B&W has been cancelled)

    December 10

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

  • 02/12 - [Protection Racket]

    Back in the 90's, Marvel had experimented with a line of "CyberComics", a precursor to today's digital comics. One CyberComic was Daredevil: Protection Racket, by former Daredevil writer Dan Chichester. It hasn't been online in a long time, but now you can view it on Chichester's blog. Head on over to this link, and click on the "Daredevil" graphic. Part 1 is now up, and the remaining 3 parts will be posted this month.

    Dan Chichester's blog

  • 02/12 - [DD/Elektra: Reunion?]

    Thanks to Mark for this tip... it's probably not happening for DD and Elektra, but IGN has posted a teaser image from "New Avengers: Reunion" which promises a Marvel couple will get back together...


  • 02/12 - [Smith talks Target]

    Seriously, Kevin Smith wants to finish this mini series...


    November 2008

  • 27/11 - [DDY B&W Cancelled]

    If you ordered the Daredevil: Yellow Premiere Hardcover (the Black and White version) you're out of luck. All orders for this version have been cancelled. The regular edition has been bumped up to 168 pages from 160.

  • 27/11 - [Bullseye's Targets]

    Marvel.com has a feature on Bullseye, with writers Andy Diggle and Mike Benson discussing the character's storylines in Thunderbolts and Moon Knight, respectively...


  • 27/11 - [News updates]

    * Fingers crossed that the site is not bogged down or unavailable like yesterday. My apologies for that. My hosting company is looking into this problem.
    * Lady Bullseye Part 3 came out yesterday, and CDN readers may have noticed that there isn't a CDN price listed on the comic...
    * If you haven't read it, please check out the interview with the cast and actors from the Elektra fan film...
    * Follow the site on Twitter.
    * The Twitter RSS feed is here.
    * The site is also on Facebook.

  • 26/11 - [DD Legends pics]

    Thanks to David Gallaher for the tip to these pics of Daredevil and Elektra from the Marvel Legends line (via The Fwoosh)...

    Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

  • 26/11 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    November 26

    * Daredevil #113
    * Captain America #44 [Black Widow?]

    December 4

    * Daredevil by Miller/Janson Vol.2

  • 20/11 - [DD#113 Preview]

    Newsarama has an exclusive preview of next week's Daredevil #113... spoilers ahead!


  • 19/11 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    November 19

    * Thunderbolts #126 [Bullseye]

    November 26

    * Daredevil #113
    * Captain America #44 [Black Widow?]

  • 12/11 - [Elektra fan film]

    The Elektra: The Hand and the Devil fan film is now complete and you can watch the finished product right here! The fan film is produced by Blinky Productions' Chris .R. Notarile and stars Kim Santiago as Elektra. When you're done watching, head on over to Blinky Productions' web site and have a look at other fan films that may be of interest.

  • 11/11 - [Colan Art Show]

    From the Cartoon Art Museum:

    Colan: Visions of a Man without Fear
    Cartoon Art Museum Exhibition: November 15, 2008 - March 15, 2009

    Opening Reception: Thursday, December 4, 2008
    With special guests Gene and Adrienne Colan

    The Cartoon Art Museum is honored to celebrate the life and work of cartoonist Gene Colan with a career-spanning retrospective entitled Colan: Visions of a Man without Fear. This exhibition will include over 40 examples from Colan's long creative career, from his one and only story illustrated for legendary publisher EC Comics in 1952, through his career-defining work for Marvel Comics from the 1960s and 1970s on titles as diverse as Iron Man, Tomb of Dracula and Howard The Duck, to his notable run on DC Comics. Batman in the 1980s, to his more recent efforts, including illustrations commissioned by his fans and his beautiful pencil artwork on titles such as Michael Chabon's The Escapist, published by Dark Horse Comics.

    This exhibition has been assembled by Guest Curator Glen David Gold, author of the novel Carter Beats the Devil and many comics-related essays. An exhibition catalog featuring high-quality reproductions of Colan's artwork and essays from many of his most notable collaborators, including writers Stan Lee, Marv Wolfman, Roy Thomas and Steve Englehart, will be available at the Cartoon Art Museum prior to the exhibition.s opening reception on December 4, 2008. Gene Colan and his wife Adrienne will be the guests of honor at the December 4 reception, and many Bay Area comic book professionals are scheduled to be in attendance. Additional information regarding this reception will be announced later this month.

    About Gene Colan:

    One of mainstream comics' most significant artists, Gene Colan was born in New York in 1926 and studied at the Art Students League of New York under illustrator Frank Riley and surrealistic Japanese painter Kuniashi. After a stint in the army, Colan's official career in comics began in 1944 at Fiction House and Timely. He has worked over the last 60 + years at almost every major publisher, including EC, Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Bongo and Archie. His most memorable work includes unsurpassed runs on Daredevil, Iron Man, Sub-Mariner, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, Tomb of Dracula and Howard the Duck, not to mention inspired depictions of Conan, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

    Beginning in the 1980s, Gene took on more varied and unusual work, including Nathaniel Dusk, Ragamuffins, The Spider (a graphic novel), Stewart the Rat, and Michael Chabon's The Escapist. Colan has taught at both the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan and the Fashion Institute of Technology. He has enjoyed showings at the Southern Vermont Museum of Art, the Bess Cutler Gallery in New York City and Manchester's Elm Street Arts Gallery where he lectured on Comics, Cinema, and Continuity Art.

    Colan is the recipient of a Shazam Award, two Eagle awards and in 2005 was inducted into the Will Eisner Hall of Fame.

    His style is immediately recognizable for its dramatic & sweeping cinematic form, mastery of light and shadow, expression and characterization, and unusual eye-catching layouts. Colan is also responsible for the innovative use of "finished pencils" as artwork. He's the only mainstream comic book artist today whose work is usually published directly from his pencil illustrations.

  • 10/11 - [RiffTrax Daredevil]

    I'm sure I've mentioned the RiffTrax for the Daredevil movie before, but Christopher Anson from Legend Films/RiffTrax wrote in, detailing more about their work. Check them out if you were a fan of MST3K.

    RiffTrax is the internet continuation of the cult-hit TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000. At the end of the show's television run, star Mike Nelson and his comedic cohorts (Satellite of Love partners Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot) reunited to "riff" (comedic commentary made during a film) the latest and greatest Hollywood blockbusters, including the many Marvel movies. This is accomplished through the release of MP3 tracks (the RiffTrax) that synchronize with the playback of a given film to reproduce the MST3K experience. We've also developed a free software player that makes synchronization effortless. True to MST3K form, these riffs add both hilarity and yet-another reason to bust out your DVDs. It's a bit hard to explain, so we suggest just trying it out.

    Of course, for those unfamiliar with Mystery Science Theater 3000, there are sample videos available for each RiffTrax release. Just click the "Watch Sample" button on the film's page to try it out.

    RiffTrax Presents: Daredevil!


    We assure you, no blind lawyers were harmed in the making of this riff. We have a lot of fun making these, and we hope that you guys will enjoy them too.

  • 08/11 - [Elektra trailer]

    Here's another update for the Elektra fan film... here's a look at the trailer...

  • 07/11 - [Elektra fanfilm update]

    Chris .R. Notarile has posted new images from his Elektra: The Hand and The Devil fan film he is currently producing. The new pics show the stars of the film in their costumes. Check them out here:

    Elektra: The Hand and The Devil

  • 05/11 - [DD Noir Artwork]

    Daredevil Noir writer Alex Irvine contacted me to let me know that he's posted several pages from the series on his blog. It also appears that the series will now debut in April, rather than January as first reported.

    Alex Irvine blog

  • 05/11 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    November 5

    * Daredevil by Miller/Janson V1 TPB
    * Daredevil/Captain America: Dead on Arrival

    November 12

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

  • 04/11 - [Pipeline talks Miller]

    Augie De Blieck (of CBR's Pipeline) has some interesting thoughts on Frank Miller's DD as he reads the Miller trades for the first time...


  • 04/11 - [DD#113 Preview]

    Want to see some artwork from this month's Daredevil #113? Scroll down on the page at:

    Comics Bulletin

    Thanks to Dave for the tip.

  • 04/11 - [Comic Book Club Live!]

    If you're in New York City, you might be interested in attending November 11th's Comic Book Club show at the People's Improv Theater at 8PM. That night's guests will be Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction and Jeff Katz.

    Comic Book Club: Live!

    October 2008

  • 29/10 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    October 29

    * Daredevil #111 2nd printing
    * Marvel Previews

    November 5

    * Daredevil by Miller/Janson V1 TPB

  • 29/10 - [Armoured DD statue]

    Randy Bowen has posted some sculpts of the armoured version of DD that he is doing... lots of pics to see at:


    Remember, there will be 3 versions... red, yellow and armoured...

  • 28/10 - [Elektra Fan Film]

    Currently in production is a new Elektra/Daredevil fan film entitled: "Elektra: The Hand and The Devil". It is by Blinky Productions, which is run by Chris .R. Notarile. I got in touch with him recently, and he sent me some images and the teaser trailer. Shooting is scheduled to wrap next week and Chris will let me know once the final product is complete. Kim Santiago stars as Elektra, Adam Shorsten as Daredevil and Damien Colletti as Bullseye.

  • 22/10 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    October 22

    * Daredevil #112
    * Elektra By Miller Omnibus
    * Captain America #43 [Black Widow?]
    * Thunderbolts #125 [Bullseye?]

    October 29

    * Daredevil #111 2nd printing
    * Marvel Previews

  • 20/10 - [CDN price increase]

    For all the Canadians out there who haven't been to the comic shop this past week... the price of the average Marvel comic has gone back up to $3.50, up from $3.05.

  • 20/10 - [Follow MWF on Twitter]

    Just a reminder...
    If you're on Twitter, and you want to get updates whenever NEWS or WHAT'S NEW items are posted, please head on over to:


    If you're on Facebook, you can follow these updates on the Manwithoutfear.com Fan Page as well:


  • 17/10 - [DD#115 cover]

    IGN has a first look of the cover to Daredevil #115, which will ship in January 2009. A spoiler warning, just in case... thanks to Francesco for the tip...


  • 15/10 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    October 15

    * Amazing Spider-Man #573 [Bullseye?]
    * Moon Knight #23 [Bullseye?]

    October 22

    * Daredevil #112
    * Captain America #43 [Black Widow?]
    * Thunderbolts #125 [Bullseye?]

  • 09/10 - [DD#112 8pg Preview]

    Newsarama has an exclusive first look at Daredevil #112 with an 8 page preview (with dialogue). SPOILERS AHEAD!


  • 09/10 - [DD Halloween costumes]

    I've been noticing that a lot of people are dropping by the site looking for info on Halloween costumes related to Daredevil... If you're not having any luck finding one, the only place I could find that had some in stock (according to their website) is CrazyAboutCostumes.com. If they do have some in stock, please let them know I sent you. :)

    * Child - DD Muscle Costume
    * Adult - DD Mask
    * Adult - Elektra Costume

  • 08/10 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    October 8

    * Daredevil: Cruel and Unusual TPB

    October 15

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

  • 07/10 - [Isaac wants DD role]

    First we had Jason Statham, now it looks like actor Oscar Isaac wants to play Daredevil... and he would go to great lengths to get the part...


  • 05/10 - [Fox talks DD reboot]

    IESB.net has an interview with Fox's co-chairman Tom Rothman, who has some interesting things to say about a possible DD reboot... thanks to Dave for the tip...

  • 02/10 - [DD#111 2nd printing]

    Having 3 covers wasn't enough, as Daredevil #111 will have a second printing coming out at the end of this month. For a preview of DD#112, and the 2nd printing cover, head on over to:


  • 01/10 - [DD vs The Hand]

    Marvel.com has a little feature on DD#112, along with some info courtesy of writer Ed Brubaker... only read this article if you've read DD#111!


  • 01/10 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    October 1

    * Daredevil Director's Cut Blu-Ray disc

    October 8

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

    September 2008

  • 30/09 - [DD Blu-Ray Review]

    If you're looking to pick up the Daredevil Director's Cut on Blu-Ray, that was just released, check out this review from the good folks at:


  • 28/09 - [Harvey Awards]

    Congratulations to Daredevil letterer supreme Chris Eliopoulos, who won for Best Letterer at this year's Harvey Awards!


  • 27/09 - [Macchio Interview]

    CBR continues their FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK feature, and this time they speak with former Daredevil editor Ralph Macchio. He discusses his work on DD, and working with Miller and Sienkiewicz.


  • 27/09 - [DD#112 Preview]

    IGN has a preview of Daredevil #112 (without dialogue), and they also have the first look at the "zombie variant" as well... thanks to Francesco for the tip...


  • 24/09 - [Lady Bullseye recap]

    The first issue of the Lady Bullseye arc comes out today. Just in case you've missed it, here are some items of interest pertaining to this latest story in Daredevil.

    * Via this site: Interview with artist Clay Mann

    * Via CBR: DD#111 preview

    * Via CBR: Interview with Ed Brubaker

    * Via Marvel.com: Interview with Ed Brubaker

    * Via this site: Reviews of DD#111

    * Via this site: Discussion on MWF message board

  • 24/09 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    September 24

    * Daredevil #111 (three covers)
    * Captain America #42 (Black Widow?)
    * Thunderbolts #124 (Bullseye)
    * Marvel Previews

    October 1

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

  • 23/09 - [Meet Matt Moerdock]

    Through this site I've been introduced to many Daredevil fans all over the world. One such Daredevil fan is Matt Moerdock, a hip hop artist from France. In his own words,

    Matt Moerdock possesses strength, speed, agility, and endurance, not to mention acrobatic and gymnastic skills. Through a combination of the tutelage of his brother Martin (kung Fu Master) and self-training, Matt Moerdock is a master of a unique martial art form, which is a hybridized form of American rhyme skills and the French arts of poetry. This sort of martial arts rhyme training has given him an immense degree of concentration and personal control over his body and energy, or Ki. Matt Moerdock is also an accomplished journalist well known in France's HipHop world.

    Matt released an album in 2005 entitled "D'Art de Ville" and will be releasing "Bienvenue Hell's Kitchen" in 2009. He has appeared at many major Hip Hop shows in France and has several videos to his credit, including:

    SORTEZ DES RANGS (Directed by Tarik Hamedine)
    DANCE WITH THE DEVIL (Directed by : Emmanuel Rodriguez)
    SUPAMAN (Directed by Nina)
    and FEEL THE HEAT (Directed by Iain Alexander)

    He can be found online at:



    Here's a sample of Matt Moerdock's "Dance With The Devil"

  • 22/09 - [Lady Bullseye video]

    Marvel.com has a new video posted, with writer Ed Brubaker describing what this week's issue is all about!

  • 19/09 - [DD#111 Preview]

    Just in case you missed it on the 11th, here's the Daredevil #111 preview again, this time at:


  • 18/09 - [Brubaker interview]

    CBR has a new interview with Ed Brubaker, where the DD writer talks about the Lady Bullseye arc and lots more!


  • 17/09 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    September 17

    * Amazing Spider-Man #572 [Bullseye?]
    * Moon Knight #22 [Bullseye?]
    * Gene Colan Tribute Book (three covers)

    September 24

    * Daredevil #111 (three covers)
    * Captain America #42 (Black Widow?)
    * Thunderbolts #124 (Bullseye)
    * Marvel Previews

  • 16/09 - [Alex Irvine Q&A]

    The writer of the forthcoming Daredevil Noir mini series talks with Wizard about the concept behind this take on DD, and what to expect...


  • 12/09 - [Clay Mann interview]

    Meet the artist behind the debut issue of Lady Bullseye!

    Interview with Clay Mann

  • 12/09 - [DD#114 cover]

    IGN has a sneak peek at the cover to December's Daredevil #114. As always, SPOILERS ahead...


  • 11/09 - [VISIONWALK]

    Longtime friend of the site, Alice Woodside Lynch (aka Darediva) has asked me to post information on a worthy cause she is involved with. If you're interested, help support her efforts!

    From Alice:

    Help Team Darediva for a worthy cause!

    To my friends at manwithoutfear.com:

    I recently accepted the challenge of participating in VISIONWALK, a big step in boosting research for retinal degenerative diseases, hosted by The Foundation Fighting Blindness, in Memphis, Tennessee, on October 18, 2008.

    In case you didn't know, I have macular degeneration, a retinal disease that eventually can greatly impair vision. The research donations I'm asking for may not help me in my lifetime, but they can go a long way toward fighting for a cure for generations to come.

    I am asking you to help by supporting my fund-raising efforts with a donation. Your tax-deductible gift will make a difference in the lives of many! It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make your donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. If you would prefer, you can also send your tax-deductible contribution to the address listed below.

    In addition, anyone contributing $25 or more directly to Team Darediva will receive a Team Darediva t-shirt. This will not affect the tax-deductible status of your gift, because I will be footing the cost of the shirts myself. It's my thank you gift directly from me to you. Just tell me what size shirt you would like, and after I receive confirmation of your donation from the VisionWalk folks, I'll ship you the shirt.

    Any amount, great or small, helps in the fight. I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.

    Foundation Fighting Blindness
    11435 Cronhill Drive
    Owings Mills, MD 21117

    Team Darediva's page

    Alice Woodside Lynch
    aka Darediva

  • 11/09 - [More DD#111 Previews]

    IGN has posted more previews of DD#111 (the first Lady Bullseye issue), this time with text and more pages that haven't been seen previously. SPOILERS!


  • 10/09 - [Daregorilla variant]

    Further to an item I posted on August 14th, the Marvel Apes #1 variant of "Daregorilla" by the late Mike Wieringo, is now available for purchase. It is limited to 3000 copies and is $8.00 US.

    Hero Initiative

  • 10/09 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    September 10

    * Daredevil Premiere HC Guardian Devil 10 Anniversary (two editions)
    * Marvel Knights 10th Anniversary Spotlight (two covers)
    * Amazing Spider-Man #571 [Bullseye?]

    September 17

    * Amazing Spider-Man #572 [Bullseye?]
    * Moon Knight #22 [Bullseye?]
    * Gene Colan Tribute Book (two covers)

  • 09/09 - [Daredevil Noir]

    Thanks to Francesco for the tip... IGN has posted info on the "Marvel Noir" event, starting in December, and we're going to get a new DD limited series set in this universe entitled "Daredevil Noir" by Alexander Irvine and Tomm Coker. More details at:


    More details at Marvel, with editor Axel Alonso:


  • 09/09 - [Fox considers DD2]

    Buried in an article on Variety.com about Fox's not-so-hot summer crop of movies, is this sentence:

    The studio is even considering reviving the "Daredevil" property.

    More details:


  • 07/09 - [Follow MWF on Twitter]

    If you're on Twitter, and you want to get updates whenever NEWS or WHAT'S NEW items are posted, please head on over:


    If you're on Facebook, you can follow these updates on the Manwithoutfear.com Fan Page as well:


  • 06/09 - [Enter: Lady Bullseye]

    Marvel.com has an interview with Ed Brubaker, where the DD writer discusses Lady Bullseye, and some of the behind the scenes work on designing the character...


  • 04/09 - [Shipping update]

    Complete list
    Next week's list

    September 4


    * Amazing Spider-Man #570 [Bullseye?]
    * Marvel Apes #1 ["Ape" DD on cover]

    September 10

    * Marvel Knights 10th Anniversary Spotlight

    August 2008

  • 29/08 - [Omnibus errors]

    As mentioned here on the board by Dave Wallace, it appears Marvel has made some rather interesting errors with the omnibus that shipped this week. The omnibus collects issues #16-19, 26-50, 56-60 of the work by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev and David Mack. Only Bendis's name appears on the cover. Alex Maleev really deserves to have his name associated with this run, don't you think? It's the Bendis/Maleev run on DD! Also, right on Daredevil's nose is a copyright symbol! Bendis has posted on his board that Marvel will be taking steps to correct the error. Once I find out that info, I will update here.


  • 28/08 - [DD#111 Preview]

    DD#110 is barely out the door, and now there's a [non-word-ballooned] preview of DD#111, the first appearance of Lady Bullseye... spoilers ahead, as events in DD#110 are referenced...

    Comic News I

  • 26/08 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list - ComicList

    August 27

    * Daredevil #110 (both covers, Djurdjevic and "Monkey" cover)
    * Daredevil by Bendis Omnibus

    * Marvel Previews
    * Mighty Avengers #17, New Avengers #44 [Widow, Echo possible appearances]
    * Thunderbolts #123 [Bullseye]

  • 26/08 - [Marvel Universe Saga]

    Need to catch up on everything that's happened in the last 5 years at Marvel? The Marvel Universe Saga digital comic is now available, which details all the major plotlines in all the Marvel books...


  • 25/08 - [Bullseye profile]

    Marvel.com has a profile on Bullseye's fights with other heroes (besides DD)...


  • 22/08 - [DD#110 Preview]

    Next week's issue is now available for preview... as always, SPOILERS ahead...


  • 21/08 - [Wizard article online]

    The Guardian Devil commentary by Smith/Quesada/Palmiotti that appeared in Wizard #203 is now available online at the Wizard site for free...


  • 20/08 - [DD Saga online]

    Marvel has posted a free digital comic version of the Daredevil Saga promo that I mentioned on the 17th... catch up on everything from #82 to #105, along with a sneak peek of DD#111!


  • 18/08 - [Previews preview]

    Officially to be released tomorrow, here's a sneak peek at two DD-related solicits for November...

    UPDATE: Full solicits now up in PREVIEWS.


    Written by TITO FARACI
    Penciled by CLAUDIO VILLA
    Cover by CLAUDIO VILLA

    Presented for the first time in North America: an amazing tale by two of Europe's top creators, starring two of the world's most popular super heroes! A series of bizarre murders suggests that a long-dead villain has returned from the grave. The desperate New York police turn to the Man Without Fear, Daredevil, to solve the case. Daredevil, however, is unaware that Captain America is also investigating...

    48 PGS./One-Shot/Mature ...$4.99

    DAREDEVIL #113
    Written by ED BRUBAKER
    Penciled by MICHAEL LARK

    Matt comes face to face with one of the deadliest and most alarming new characters he.s ever encountered--Lady Bullseye! Plus...who is the mysterious old man at the center of the in-fighting within the Hand...and how is he linked to Matt Murdock's past? It's Part 3 of "Lady Bullseye," by the award-winning creative team of Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark!!

    32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99

    More details tomorrow at 12PM EDT.

  • 17/08 - [Brubaker Saga]

    Marvel has released a special promo one-shot, ahead of the Lady Bullseye arc, to get readers up to speed on what has happened in Daredevil since Ed Brubaker took over the writing from Brian Michael Bendis. There's a re-cap of what has happened from #82-105, using panels from the comics. There is also a small preview of DD#111. The promo should be free at your local comic shop. Marvel sometimes releases these promos on their web site too, so I'll keep an eye out for that.

  • 14/08 - [Hero Initiative Apes #1]

    The Hero Inititative will have their own special variant cover for Marvel Apes #1 by the late Mike Wieringo. On Marvel editor Tom Brevoort's blog, he has posted the cover, which features 'Daregorilla' (my guess at what "DG" stands for). All proceeds from the book go to support past and present comic creators.


  • 13/08 - [DD heading North]

    Marvel.com has an article/interview with Ed Brubaker and Greg Rucka on what DD fans can expect in the finale to "Cruel and Unusual", along with some background on what makes Dakota North tick. There are also 4 preview pages of DD#110 available to view.


  • 10/08 - [DD on Blu-Ray]

    The director's cut of the Daredevil movie will be available on Blu-Ray disc at the end of September. It appears the extras will be a combination of what was available on the first release on DVD and the director's cut. A selling point on the cover is "Starring Jon Favreau, director of Iron Man as Foggy Nelson".

    High-Def Digest

  • 06/08 - [Wizard article]

    One of the articles I mentioned on 31/07 - [Wizard #203] is now available online... it's the shorter of the two articles, where Quesada/Palmiotti talk about Marvel Knights. The other article where Q/P/Smith comment on Guardian Devil is not online (yet?).


  • 05/08 - [Statham wants DD]

    No, this is nothing official... just a random report from the Comic-Con in July, where the LA Times spoke with actor Jason Statham and former DD writer/artist Frank Miller... seems the actor really would love to play Daredevil if another movie ever got made...

    Hero Complex - LA Times

    Remember when Vin Diesel and Cuba Gooding, Jr. wanted to play Daredevil as well? :) Statham I can see as Bullseye... DD... don't think so.

    July 2008

  • 31/07 - [Wizard #203]

    This month's Wizard #203 has a DD cover (among its 3 covers), by the original Marvel Knights team of Quesada/Palmiotti. In the issue is a very in-depth article with Quesada, Palmiotti and Kevin Smith, where they do a "commentary" on Guardian Devil. Some interesting revelations on things going on behind the scenes at Marvel at the time. Thanks to Kevin for reminding me about this issue...

  • 31/07 - [Top Maleev covers]

    The Wizard staff held a vote on their favourite Alex Maleev covers, and several DD covers made their top 6...


  • 30/07 - [Bullseye statue]

    Randy Bowen has posted images of a fully-painted Bullseye statue he is currently developing... check it out!

    Bowen board

  • 29/07 - [DD movie bust]

    Now I know some of you think that the title sounds like I'm talking about how well the DD movie did, but I'm really talking about a new mini bust that was unveiled at the Comic-Con... also some Marvel Universe DD and Bullseye figures were also displayed... Thanks to Jamie for the links!

    Cool Toy Review: Kotobukiya

    Cool Toy Review: Hasbro Marvel Universe

  • 29/07 - [Eisner Awards]

    Congratulations to Ed Brubaker for repeating as Best Writer at the 2008 Eisner Awards!

    2008 Eisner Award Winners

  • 24/07 - [Brubaker Panel]

    At the San Diego Comic-Con, there was an Ed Brubaker panel, where the writer talked more about his "Angel of Death" online show, and also answered a few questions. If you've read this month's DD issue, a particular character's fate is spoiled in this article, and Brubaker admits that DD has been "depressing" lately...


  • 21/07 - [DD#112 Solicit]

    Solicits for October are now up... DD#112 will have two covers (unfortunately, there isn't a preview of the "Zombie Variant" cover available). The Cruel and Unusual storyline will be collected in October as well. The Elektra Omnibus has also been pushed back to October.

    ManWithoutFear.com Previews

  • 18/07 - [DD#109 Preview]

    Next week's issue is now available for preview at CBR... spoilers ahead...


  • 17/07 - [Next Bowen statue?]

    Randy Bowen posted a sketch of what could possibly be the next Daredevil statue... check it out...

    Bowen Designs board

    In other news, the faux bronze statue shipping December is completely sold out through Bowen Designs.

  • 17/07 - [Ultimate Alliance 2]

    The first teaser for the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 video game is now up, and it looks like DD will be in the game... check out the video...

  • 16/07 - [Shipping update]

    This week's shipping list
    Next week's shipping list

    July 16

    * Amazing Spider-Man #566
    * Mighty Avengers #16 [Elektra explained]
    * Captain America #40 [Black Widow?]

    July 23

    * Daredevil #109
    * New Avengers #43 [Echo?]
    * Thunderbolts #122 [Bullseye?]

  • 10/07 - [MA #16 Preview]

    Next week's Mighty Avengers #16 is now available for preview... and we finally find out how Elektra was switched with a Skrull...


  • 09/07 - [Superhero Sampler]

    Marvel has a new digital comic available for free entitled "Marvel's Greatest Sampler #0", which features some info and concept artwork for future DD comics... along with Iron Fist, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and others...


  • 09/07 - [Shipping update]

    This week's shipping list
    Next week's shipping list

    July 10 [due to July 4 holiday]

    * Amazing Spider-Man #565

    July 16

    * Amazing Spider-Man #566
    * Mighty Avengers #16 [Elektra explained]
    * Captain America #40 [Black Widow?]

  • 04/07 - [Win Bru's Notebook]

    Want to win Ed Brubaker's notebook, that details all of his Captain America work? Want to help out Gene Colan? Please check out this great auction...


  • 02/07 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    July 2

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

    July 9

    * Amazing Spider-Man #565 [DD guest stars]

  • 01/07 - [Daring Duo]

    Marvel.com has a small feature on the forthcoming Amazing Spider-Man arc which will have DD as a prominent guest-star. Writer Marc Guggenheim reveals some story elements...


    June 2008

  • 27/06 - [Bendis/Maleev panel]

    Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev had a Daredevil introspective panel at Wizard World Chicago today, and here's a recap...


  • 26/06 - [Colan print at WWC]

    The Hero Initiative will be at this weekend's Wizard World Chicago, and if you're making the trek to the show, be aware of this:

    The second of Hero's Gene Colan prints will be available first at Wizard World Chicago, this one featuring the cover art to Daredevil #47, the legendary "Brother, Take My Hand" story by Stan Lee and Gene Colan. Only 200 prints will be available at the show at a cost of $25 each. Net proceeds from sales of these prints by the Hero Initiative will benefit Gene Colan. And Iron fans take notice: A heretofore unannounced special variant cover edition of the smash-hit Invincible Iron Man #1 will also be at the Hero Initiative booth. Colorist Stephane Peru unfortunately passed away while working on Invincible Iron Man #1, and Marvel Comics has created a mere 100 copies with the notation "In Memoriam, Stephane Peru, 1981-2008" on the cover. All 100 copies have been autographed by writer Matt Fraction and artist Salvador Larroca, and will be available for sale by The Hero Initiative.

  • 25/06 - [DD goes Ape]

    EW.com has an exclusive first look at Marvel Apes variant covers, and guess who has his own variant cover for issue #110?


  • 25/06 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    June 25

    * Daredevil #108

    * Captain America #39 [Black Widow?]
    * Mighty Avengers #15 [Black Widow?]
    * New Avengers #42 [Echo]
    * Thunderbolts #121 [Bullseye?]
    * House of M: Avengers TPB [Lots of DD-related characters appear]
    * Marvel Previews

    July 2

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

  • 24/06 - [Brubaker Q&A]

    Marvel.com has an interview with Ed Brubaker, where the current DD writer briefly mentions what's coming up for our hero... looks like the Lady Bullseye story is one issue, and then several short arcs will follow that all build on each other...


  • 20/06 - [Bru/Fraction Podcast]

    Wordballoon has a new podcast with Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction... Brubaker talks about DD about halfway through the podcast, particularly about his collaboration with Greg Rucka...


  • 20/06 - [DD#108 Preview]

    Next week's DD#108 is now available for preview if you can't wait...


  • 19/06 - [WWC DD Panel]

    Wizard World Chicago is June 26-29, and there is a panel that will definitely interest DD fans...

    FRIDAY 1-2 p.m.
    The Dave Stevens Room: 10-11
    Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev will discuss their five-year run that turned Daredevil into one of the most successful comics in Marvel history.

    Is anyone going that can file a report for us?

  • 19/06 - [DD: Virtual Series]

    DD fan Ian Austin wrote in, pointing me towards a Daredevil Virtual Series he is writing at Monster Zero Productions.

    In Austin's words:

    A Virtual TV show is an episodic television show that airs, not over the airwaves, but over the Internet. VTV is usually written in script format (the same format that actual TV shows are written in) and posted as PDFs or HTML. It exists as an online series of scripts that work as a 'real' TV show would. A virtual series will typically have a 13 or 22 episode season, each 'episode' being a script that represents a 30 or 45 minute episode of the show itself.

    Virtual series can still have 'cast,' by using images of actors to play the roles on the show, and we encourage people to use other multimedia elements to enhance their show, like opening video credit sequences and sound files.

    Interested? Head on over to:


  • 19/06 - [Colan update]

    Clifford Meth has an update on Gene Colan's health, and the auction continues with over 40 items now on eBay...

    Clifford Meth blog

  • 18/06 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    June 18

    * Nothing DD-related...

    June 25

    * Daredevil #108

    * Captain America #39 [Black Widow?]
    * Mighty Avengers #15 [Black Widow?]
    * Thunderbolts #121 [Bullseye?]
    * House of M: Avengers TPB [Lots of DD-related characters appear]
    * Marvel Previews

  • 18/06 - [Harvey Awards Noms]

    The Harvey Awards nominations are out and Daredevil is well represented... check this out!

    BEST WRITER - Ed Brubaker
    BEST COVER ARTIST - Marko Djurdjevic
    BEST LETTERER - Chris Eliopoulos
    BEST COLOURIST - Matt Hollingsworth
    BEST INKER - Stefano Gaudiano

    Now, who do I talk to about the missing Micheal Lark from these nominations?

    Full list at: Newsarama

  • 17/06 - [Comics in September]

    The previews for September are now up, and lots of great things coming out that are DD-related.

    Daredevil #111 features the debut of Lady Bullseye, and the issue will have 2 covers... one by Marko Djurdjevic, and another by Terry Dodson (a third listed on Marvel.com by Michael Turner is incorrectly posted)

    There will be a special Gene Colan Tribute issue, which will have reprints of Colan classics. The issue will help support The Hero Initiative, and thus, help Colan with his recent health problems.

    September 2008 is also the 10th anniversary of Marvel Knights, and there will be a special Premiere edition of Guardian Devil (two covers), and also a Marvel Spotlight (two covers as well) which will have interviews and sketchbook art from Joe Quesada, Jimmy Palmiotti and others.

    ManWithoutFear.com Previews

  • 11/06 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    June 11

    * Magdalena/Daredevil #1

    * Wolverine: Enemy of the State Ultimate Collection [DD, Elektra, The Hand]

    June 18

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

  • 09/06 - [Mag/DD Preview]

    The delayed Magadalena/Daredevil special is finally here in the coming week, and Newsarama has a preview...


  • 04/06 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    June 4

    * Nothing DD-related...

    June 11

    * Magdalena/Daredevil #1

    * Wolverine: Enemy of the State Ultimate Collection [DD, Elektra, The Hand]

  • 02/06 - [Skrull Elektra figure]

    Previews will be offering a SDCC exclusive two-pack of a Skrull and the Skrull version of Elektra... if you are interested...


    May 2008

  • 31/05 - [Lady Bullseye!]

    This weekend's Wizard World convention revealed some interesting images about DD for September... from the Cup O'Joe panel comes news of Lady Bullseye! Ed Brubaker spoke with Newsarama about the character...

    Newsarama Brubaker interview

    Newsarama Cup O'Joe panel transcript

  • 28/05 - [Djurdjevic Podcast]

    SidebarNation.com has an interesting podcast with DD cover artist Marko Djurdjevic. Download it to your MP3 player and have a listen...


  • 28/05 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    May 29 (due to holiday)

    * Daredevil #107

    * New Avengers #41 [Echo?]
    * Marvel Previews

    June 4

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

  • 27/05 - [Faux Bronze statue]

    Thanks to MattTheDevilMurdock1202, who pointed me to the Bowen Designs web site, where they have posted images of a new Faux Bronze DD Statue, coming in December 2008. It is based on the original DD Statue Bowen designed years ago. $300 US.

    Bowen Designs

  • 23/05 - [Colan auction]

    The Gene Colan auction has begun... help support the legendary DD artist by bidding on lots of cool items!

    Gene Colan auction

  • 23/05 - [DD:EoD Preview]

    MyCupO'Joe has some preview pages of the still in progress Daredevil: End of Days, by Klaus Janson and Bill Sienkiewicz.

    There is also some preview art for Mighty Avengers #16, which will reveal what exactly happened to Elektra...


  • 23/05 - [DD#107 Preview]

    Next week's DD#107 is now officially ready for preview... check it out at:


  • 22/05 - [Marvel helps Colan]

    Marvel and the Hero Initiative are teaming up to help Gene Colan. Lots more details at:


  • 21/05 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    May 21

    * Captain America #38 [Black Widow?]
    * Mighty Avengers #14 [Black Widow?]

    May 28

    * Daredevil #107

    * New Avengers #41 [Echo?]
    * Marvel Previews

  • 14/05 - [Bendis interview]

    There's a pretty extensive interview with Brian Michael Bendis at "The Wright Opinion" where the writer talks briefly about his work on DD...

    The Wright Opinion

  • 14/05 - [Parks interview]

    There's another DD: Blood of the Tarantula interview up at the Pulse, this time with writer Ande Parks...


  • 14/05 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    May 14

    * Thunderbolts #120 [Bullseye?]

    May 21

    * Captain America #38 [Black Widow?]
    * Mighty Avengers #14 [Black Widow?]

  • 14/05 - [More Colan info]

    As I'm sure you know, Gene Colan is very ill right now.

    This from Mrs. Adrienne Colan:

    My darling, sweet, handsome and brilliantly gifted husband's liver is failing. The complications are very nasty. This week it's fluid retention and encephalitis. He's on powerful meds now to diminish the symptoms. He sleeps a lot and has very little energy. He wants you all to know how badly he wanted to attend the convention. He so seriously wanted to see you all and shoot the breeze. Not sure how long we have left together, but our family whole and we'll be taking this sad journey together and nearby. Anyone with commissions outstanding, I'll have a sense within the next couple of weeks if he can fulfill them, if not, please don't worry, I'll return your monies promptly. I don't want to pull the rug out from under him. But if he can do anything, he'll need to finish the 10 pgs. remaining on his 38 pg. Captain America Civil War for Marvel. You all know how you've enriched Gene's life by coming forward and being a part of his. love,

    Gene Colan
    2 Sea Cliff Avenue
    Sea Cliff, NY 11579

    There are many people organizing auctions etc. to help support him.

    Clifford Meth has been updating his blog with info on his efforts... here's what he has posted:

    This just in... Aardwolf Publishing will be publishing Meth, Colan & Other Theologians, the proceeds of which will go directly and immediately to Gene and Adrienne Colan. The new book will include everything that was in Perverts, Pedophiles & Other Theologians (the book Gene and I did together for Aardwolf in 1997) plus two never-before-published stories illustrated by Gene. This will be a limited edition of only 500 copies, all signed and numbered. You can order it NOW by sending (via PayPal) $20 plus $3 shipping to: sales@aardwolfpublishing.com


    Numerous artists and writers will be contributing drawings and/or signed books to help Gene and Adrienne Colan with their mounting medical costs. Items will be auctioned by ComicLink.com

    This list will be updated regularly. So far, it includes (in alpha-order):

    Neal Adams, Norm Breyfogle, Randy Bowen, Ed Brubaker, Adam-Troy Castro, Paty Cockrum, Peter David, Tom DeFalco, J.M. deMatteis, Pat DiNizio, Harlan Ellison, Mark Evanier, Neil Gaiman, Sam Keith, Joe Kubert, Erik Larsen, Bob Layton, Jim Lee, Stan Lee, Leah Moore, Albert Moy, Michael Netzer, Josh Olsen, Tom Palmer, Mike Pascale, Bob Shreck, Dave Simmons, Gail Simone, Walter and Louise Simonson, Jim Starlin, Juan Torres, Marv Wolfman and Ash Wood.

    NT ComicCon, Harris Publishing, IDW Publishing and Aardwolf Publishing have also stepped up.

    Want to help right this minute? Order Meth, Colan & Other Theologians -- the full proceeds will go directly and immediately to Gene.


    We're getting lots of email saying, "How can I help?" If you're a writer or artist or TV/film professional, please contact me at cliffmeth@aol.com -- Or just mail a drawing or signed book or whatever it is you're contributing to:

    COLAN c/o Clifford Meth
    179-9 Rt. 46 West
    Box 252
    Rockaway, NJ 07866

    Please do what you can, either by sending appreciative messages to Mr. Colan, or by bidding on the auctions when they are ready.

    More details as they come in...

  • 12/05 - [Samnee interview]

    The Pulse has another interview with Chris Samnee about Blood of the Tarantula. There's some original black and white, and then coloured images from the special.


  • 11/05 - [Colan auction]

    Former Daredevil artist Gene 'The Dean' Colan is in poor health. Clifford Meth is organizing an auction on Mr. Colan's behalf. Please visit Newsarama for more details...


  • 09/05 - [Mag/DD update]

    Thanks to jumonji, who pointed me back to Top Cow's site, where they've posted that the Magdalena/Daredevil one-shot is now scheduled for May 28.

  • 07/05 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    May 7

    * Mighty Avengers #13 [Black Widow?]
    * Thunderbolts: Reason in Madness [Bullseye?]

    May 14

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

  • 06/05 - [DD on Trial]

    Marvel.com has posted an article on past trials that Matt Murdock has defended, and what is coming up in DD#107 as 7 pages of preview art is presented!


  • 06/05 - [News items]

    Some items you may have missed...

    * DD: Blood of the Tarantula's Chris Samnee was interviewed last week... be sure to check it out!
    * Mighty Avengers #12 has a flashback appearance by DD in Secret War
    * New Avengers #40 reveals some interesting things about the Skrull Elektra
    * Kabuki Reflections came out last week, and has some sketches and artwork of DD and Echo
    * If you're interested, why not check out the ManWithoutFear.com page on Facebook and "become a fan".
    * Still no word on when the Magdalena/DD one-shot will appear...
    * If you've never visited the BOARD, visit and discuss all your favourite DD topics with fans all over the world... we're closing in on 500 registered members!

    April 2008

  • 30/04 - [New Digital Comics]

    If any of you are subscribers to Marvel's Digital Comics, they've added quite a few DD issues in the latest batch... Daredevil V1 #12-40 and Daredevil: Redemption #4-6.


  • 30/04 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    April 30

    * Daredevil: Blood of the Tarantula

    * New Avengers #40 [Echo]

    May 7

    * Mighty Avengers #13 [Black Widow]
    * Thunderbolts: Reason in Madness [Bullseye?]

  • 29/04 - [Parks interview]

    DD: Blood of the Tarantula writer Ande Parks was interviewed by his frequent collaborator Phil Hester, at the Wizard site, where they talk about the special and more!


  • 28/04 - [Samnee interview]

    I've posted a new interview with Daredevil: Blood of the Tarantula artist Chris Samnee. Hope you guys enjoy some of the character sketches he provided!

    Interview with Chris Samnee

  • 25/04 - [Site issues]

    As many of you have noticed, the past few weeks have been hit or miss when trying to access the site. I've been told by my hosting company that the site will be moving to a new server in the coming weeks and everything should be fine after that. I thank you for your patience.

    -- Kuljit

  • 25/04 - [Tarantula Preview]

    Next week's Daredevil special "Blood of the Tarantula" is available for preview at:


  • 23/04 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    April 23

    * Daredevil Hell To Pay TPB

    * Mighty Avengers #12 [Black Widow]

    April 30

    * Daredevil: Blood of the Tarantula

    * New Avengers [Echo]

  • 16/04 - [Magdalena/DD delays]

    The Magdalena/Daredevil crossover was scheduled to ship in February but was delayed. It had been appearing on the shipping lists (the tentative "next week" list) for a few weeks this month. Now it is not there anymore. So I decided to head on over to Top Cow's site, and found this posting on the board from Filip Sablik, the publisher:

    Magdalena/Daredevil should be in stores by the end of the month. We ran into some unfortunate delays but Phil and Ande are wrapping it up currently.

  • 16/04 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    April 16

    * Captain America #37 [Black Widow]

    April 23

    * Daredevil Hell To Pay TPB

    * Mighty Avengers #12 [Black Widow]

  • 14/04 - [DD#109 Solicit]

    Full solicits are now up on the site! Check out previews for DD#109, Mighty Avengers #16, and Amazing Spider-Man #565, 566!


  • 14/04 - [Eisner noms]

    The Eisner nominations are out, and a couple are DD-related!

    For Best Archival Collection/Project - Comic Books:
    Daredevil Omnibus, by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson (Marvel)

    And for Best Writer:
    Ed Brubaker, Captain America, Criminal, Daredevil, Immortal Iron Fist (Marvel)

    Good luck!

  • 11/04 - [Mighty Avengers #16]

    I'll put a spoiler warning on this item just in case, but if you are interested, there's a DD-related cover for Mighty Avengers #16 over at:


  • 10/04 - [Creator appearances]

    Former DD artist Alex Maleev will be appearing at this weekend's Toronto Comicon. If you've got a coupon from a comic store in the area, you can get in free on Sunday.

    Toronto Comicon

    If you live in the New York City area, be sure to head down to Jim Hanley's Universe on Monday April 14, from 6-8PM, when Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Jeph Loeb, Matt Fraction and Jen Grunwald will all be there.

    Jim Hanley's Universe

  • 09/04 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    April 9

    * Nothing DD-related...

    April 16

    * Magdalena/Daredevil #1

    * Captain America #37 [Black Widow]

  • 09/04 - [Bru Q&A]

    Warren Ellis's White Chapel site is featuring a Q&A with Ed Brubaker this week... he's answering all questions submitted by site visitors, so if you're interested in seeing some Criminal previews, and maybe some info on all Ed Brubaker's work, head on over...

    White Chapel

  • 08/04 - [Cup O'Joe]

    Daredevil news seems to have slowed down recently, but here's a few items from last week's MySpace Cup O'Joe column by Joe Quesada that relate to Daredevil...

    * When asked what 5 characters to keep our eye on for the rest of the year, he mentioned "Daredevil", along with "Nick Fury, Norman Osborn, Iron Man and Kinsey"

    * There's a preview of Mighty Avengers #12, which has a page that may or may not be related to Secret War (with DD)

    * When asked if there are plans for the Santerians from DD: Father, he said "I have a follow-up story that I do plan to get to, I just don't know when that will actually be. There's a very detailed origin I have for NeRo and the group that I'd love to tell some day, so we'll see."


  • 02/04 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    April 2

    * Nothing DD-related...

    April 9

    * Magdalena/Daredevil #1

    March 2008

  • 12/03 - [Facebook, MySpace]

    If you're interested, check on ManWithoutFear.com on:


  • 12/03 - [Shipping update]

    This week's list
    Next week's list

    March 12

    * Captain America #34 Director's Cut [Black Widow]
    * Mighty Avegers #10 [Black Widow]
    * Thunderbolts #119 [Bullseye?]

    March 19

    * Magdalena/Daredevil

    * Captain America #36 [Black Widow]

  • 12/03 - [French DD Magazine]

    If any of you bought last year's Back Issue #21 magazine, you'll recognize Philipe Cordier's name. He wrote and organized the special Daredevil article. He got in touch with me this week, with news that may be of interest to you... here's what he had to say...

    Twomorrows Publishing magazine BACK ISSUE had an issue last year (issue 21) featuring DD as done by Miller/ Janson/ Mazzucchelli/ Nocenti/ Romita Jr.

    I wrote the article about our beloved Matt.

    A small part of whatever rare or unpublished stuff I may have was published in issue 21 of BI. I was asked (by friends) to make some kind of a french version of Back Issue's article + more. And so I did. At the end of last year this French mag was out. Very small printing run: 400 issues (numbered) 52 pages Magazine sized, very good paper, black and white.

    In it you'll find all of the US article (including interviews with John Jr, Klaus, Ann Nocenti and R Macchio)

    + this french mag has so much more than the US article : A lot of french artists drew me a DD pin up (+ pieces by Byrne, Sean Phillips and the late Mike Wieringo).

    + this french version's got a lot more Miller/ Janson pencil/inked art demo

    + Klaus Janson was kind enough to give me a 11 pages DD story in pencil that never was published and that you can only find here

    Here are some pics I took of the mag so that you may have an idea of what to expect:

    Cover done for me by Byrne. Back cover from John Romita Jr http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/spiritlyon/P1010010.jpg

    some KJ pages


    art and pin up pages






    Miller/ Janson art pages




    Obviously you can enjoy the mag even if you can't read french (not to mention that you already have all the words if you bought Back Issue 21)
    I'm selling the mag for what it cost me. I sold it in France first. I still have less than half of the printing run so I thought it may be interesting for US fans of DD

    Mag + shipping in the US of A would be 25 USD to be send via paypal only

    Paypal address : philfif at libertysurf.fr (no space and @ instead of at of course)

    If you need more information you can write to the same address (be sure to have "Daredevil"). in the title message)

    If you send me the money via paypal, and give information for the shipping address, the mag will be on its way to your home the same week.

  • 05/03 - [Shipping update]

    March 5

    * Nothing DD-related...

    Complete list

    March 12

    * Mighty Avengers #10 [Black Widow]
    * Captain America #34 Director's Cut [Black Widow]
    * Thunderbolts #119 [Bullseye]

    Complete list

  • 05/03 - [Best of Daredevil]

    Marvel.com has another DD feature, asking several past and present DD creators what they feel are the best DD stories!


  • 03/03 - [DD#106 Preview]

    Marvel.com has an article about DD's past and present romances, along with a preview of this month's DD#106, coming March 26!


    February 2008

  • 27/02 - [Shipping update]

    February 27

    * Daredevil #105

    * Captain America #35 [Black Widow]
    * House of M: Avengers #5 [Alt. Reality Kingpin, Elektra, Bullseye, Typhoid, Gladiator]
    * Marvel Previews

    Complete list

    March 5

    * Nothing DD-related yet...

    Complete list

  • 27/02 - [Djurdjevic interview]

    Thanks to jumonji for the link to an interview with Daredevil cover artist Marko Djurdjevic, at the IGN site... check out page 3!


  • 25/02 - [Bru interview]

    Newsarama caught up with Ed Brubaker to get his words on the upcoming co-writing gig with Greg Rucka...


  • 22/02 - [DD#105 Preview]

    Thanks to Gloria and jumonji who both tipped me to some previews of DD#105...

    Comics Continuum


  • 21/02 - [Bru/Rucka interview]

    Wizard has some more words from Greg Rucka, and some comments from Ed Brubaker, about the forthcoming 4-parter...


  • 20/02 - [New Avengers #39]

    Newsarama has a preview of New Avengers #39, which features artwork by David Mack. Daredevil makes an appearance in this Echo story.


  • 20/02 - [Shipping update]

    February 20

    * Mighty Avengers #9 [Black Widow]

    Complete list

    February 27

    * Daredevil #105

    * House of M: Avengers #5 [Alt Universe Kingpin, Elektra, Bullseye, Typhoid Mary, Gladiator]
    * Thunderbolts International Incident [Bullseye?]

    Complete list

  • 19/02 - [Elektra explained]

    Marvel Assistant Editor Nathan Crosby has Elektra: Assassin explained to him...


  • 18/02 - [Rucka Q&A]

    Marvel.com has an interview with Greg Rucka, where they discuss the upcoming DD arc!


  • 15/02 - [Rucka joins DD]

    Writer Greg Rucka, who is no stranger to working with Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark, will be coming onboard Daredevil to help co-write a 4 part arc, starting in May's DD #107... more details at:


    Some spoilers for DD#107, so be warned...

  • 11/02 - [Steve Gerber]

    Former Daredevil writer, and Howard the Duck creator, Steve Gerber, has sadly passed away. I had the good fortune to correspond with Mr. Gerber for the site, and he has always been one of the nicest people I've ever interviewed. Go dig out those old DD issues. Go dig out those Howard the Duck magazines.


  • 06/02 - [Shipping update]

    February 6

    * Daredevil #100 Turner cover CGC 9.8

    * New Avengers Poster Book [Echo]
    * Super Villain Teamup Modok's 11 TPB [Purple Man]

    Complete list

    February 11

    * New Avengers #38 [Echo]

    Complete list

    January 2008

  • 30/01 - [Shipping update]

    January 30

    * Daredevil #104
    * DF Daredevil Annual Signed #1 $29.99

    * Marvel Icons Black Elektra Bust $45.00
    * Mighty Avengers #8 [Black Widow]
    * New Avengers Annual #2 [Echo]
    * Marvel Previews

    Complete list

    February 6

    * New Avengers Poster Book [Echo]

    Complete list

  • 29/01 - [Bru Part 2]

    Part 2 of the Brubaker interview at Newsarama is now up...


  • 28/01 - [Bru Part 1]

    Newsarama has a really extensive interview with Ed Brubaker, with part 2 coming tomorrow, on topics ranging from his upbringing to his current work...


  • 24/01 - [DD#104 Preview]

    Wizard has posted a preview of next week's Daredevil #104... as always, spoilers ahead... thanks again to jumonji for the tip...


  • 24/01 - [DD Custom Guitar]

    DD fan Nathan Pearson submitted some pics of his guitar, which has some DD artwork on it. Have a look if you're interested...


  • 24/01 - [Azaceta interview]

    Paul Azaceta, who has been helping out with art chores on Daredevil recently, spoke with Wizard about his work on DD#103 and this month's #104, as well as the news that he is drawing all of DD#106... thanks to jumonji for the tip...


  • 23/01 - [Shipping update]

    January 23

    * Nothing DD-related...

    Complete list

    January 30

    * Daredevil #104

    * Mighty Avengers #8 [Black Widow]
    * New Avengers Annual #2 [Echo]
    * Marvel Previews

    Complete list

  • 21/01 - [DD Special]

    Looks like another Daredevil Special is coming... coming in April is the Daredevil: Blood of the Tarantula special, where Ed Brubaker, Ande Parks and Chris Samnee continue the story begun in the Daredevil Annual. Look for more info tomorrow!

  • 21/01 - [New Omnibus?]

    Thanks to a number of you who e-mailed me today about a listing on Amazon for a new Bendis/Maleev DD Omnibus... whether or not this is the final description is up in the air, however, since it says it contains 16-19, 26-60. My guess it would be until #50.


  • 19/01 - [12 Years!]

    Seems I've been so busy, I completely forgot January 16th has past! The site is now 12 years old, and I just wanted to thank all of you once again for letting me do this.

    In case you don't know, I started a blog detailing some of the things that have happened over the past 12 years because of this site. Have a look if you're interested!

    MWF Blog

  • 16/01 - [Shipping update]

    January 16

    * Thunderbolts by Ellis TPB [Bullseye]

    Complete list

    January 23

    * Nothing DD-related yet... Complete list

  • 09/01 - [Shipping update]

    January 9

    * Mighty Avengers #7 [Black Widow]

    Complete list

    January 16

    * Thunderbolts by Ellis V1 [Bullseye]

    Complete list

  • 08/01 - [New Bru Interview]

    Marvel.com has a new interview with Ed Brubaker, where the current villain is discussed and what is in the future for DD... of course, spoilers ahead, as there are also preview pages of DD#104... thanks to Gloria for the tip...


  • 04/01 - [Shipping update]

    January 4

    * Thunderbolts #118 [Bullseye]

    Complete list

    January 9

    * Mighty Avengers #7 [Black Widow]

    Complete list

  • 03/01 - [DD:EoD Update]

    Listeners of the Bendis Tapes Part 1 posted on Jinxworld learned the Daredevil: End of Days project is still a go, but does not have a release date as both David Mack and Klaus Janson have other higher profile work that has just come up that is keeping them busy. Bendis says the project has been relegated to "weekends" or whenever there is free time.

    Also, there was no status update on the rumoured Daredevil omnibus of the Bendis/Maleev run in black/white/red.


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