Creator Listings

Volume 1

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Volume 2

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Volume 3

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Volume 4

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Volume 5

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Volume 6

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Thanks to Peter Lawson, D.G.Chichester, Bill Koenig and Daniel Coyle for their assistance on the profiles.


Volume 1

Kelly, Joe

Issues: -1, 358, 365-375

  • Interview with Joe Kelly

    Lee, Stan

    Issues: 001-009, 011-050, 053

    Wood, Wally

    Issues: 010
    The artist who changed DD's costume from yellow to the now famous red. Favourite story of mine is "The Fellowship of Fear!". Also was the creator of the THUNDER Agents, and worked on many EC Comics and Mad Magazine. Tragically, Wood committed suicide in 1981.

    O'Neil, Denny

    Issues: 018, 194-202, 204-207, 210-218, 220-223, 225-226

    Thomas, Roy

    Issues: 051-069, 071

    Friedrich, Gary

    Issues: 067, 070, 079

    Wein, Len

    Issues: 071, 124

    Conway, Gerry

    Issues: 072-098, 118, 144-145

    Gerber, Steve

    Issues: 097-101, 103-117

    Claremont, Chris

    Issues: 102, 117, 375

    Isabella, Tony

    Issues: 119-123

    Wolfman, Marv

    Issues: 124-139, 141-143

    Mantlo, Bill

    Issues: 140

    Shooter, Jim

    Issues: 141, 144-151, 223

    Kane, Gil

    Issues: 151
    Many fans forget that Kane did some DD work to go along with many other great titles.

    McKenzie, Roger

    Issues: 151-161, 163-166, 183

    Duffy, Mary Jo

    Issues: 157

    Fleisher, Michael

    Issues: 162

    Miller, Frank

    Issues: 165-166, 168-191, 219, 226-233
    Towards the end of Miller's run, Klaus Janson was penciling Miller's layouts. Brought DD back from the brink of cancellation and defined a whole new era on the title.

    Michelinie, David

    Issues: 167

    Brennert, Alan

    Issues: 192

    Hama, Larry

    Issues: 193
    Larry Hama did layouts for two issues of DD and also wrote a few tales as well.

  • Interview with Larry Hama

    Carlin, Mike

    Issues: 202

    Grant, Steven

    Issues: 203

    Ellison, Harlan

    Issues: 208

    Cover, Arthur Byron

    Issues: 208-209

    Mazzucchelli, David

    Issues: 210
    It was only until he worked with Miller on Born Again that anyone noticed this great artist. After that story arc, Mazzucchelli moved to DC to do Bat-Man:Year One with Miller and now he works on independent comic series of his own.

    Owsley, Jim

    Issues: 224, 246

    Gruenwald, Mark

    Issues: 234

    Fingeroth, Danny

    Issues: 235

    Nocenti, Ann

    Issues: 236, 238-245, 247-257, 259-291

    Harkness, John

    Issues: 237

    Nicieza, Fabian

    Issues: 258

    Romita, Jr., John

    Issues: 266

    Chichester, D.G.

    Issues: 292-309, 312-327, 329-332, 380

    Herdling, Glenn Alan

    Issues: 310-311

    Wright, Gregory

    Issues: 328, 333-337

    Smithee, Alan

    Issues: 338-342

    Ellis, Warren

    Issues: 343

    DeMatteis, J.M.

    Issues: 344-350

    Velez, Jr., Ivan

    Issues: 350

    Rozum, John

    Issues: 351

    Raab, Ben

    Issues: 352, 373

    Kesel, Karl

    Issues: 353-357, 359-364

    Barron, Jonathan

    Issues: 374

    Lobdell, Scott

    Issues: 376-379

    Volume 2

    Smith, Kevin

    Issues: 0.5, 001-008

    Mack, David

    Issues: 009-011, 013-015, 051-055
    The creator of Kabuki has written Parts of a Hole for DD and also painted the arc 'Wake Up' with Brian Bendis.

  • Interview with David Mack

    Palmiotti, Jimmy/Quesada, Joe

    Issues: 012

    Bendis, Brian Michael

    Issues: 016-019, 026-050, 056-081

    Hall, Kevin/Lee, Stan

    Issues: 020

    Gale, Bob

    Issues: 020-025

    Brubaker, Ed

    Issues: 082-119, 500

    Rucka, Greg

    Issues: 107-110

    Nocenti, Ann

    Issues: 500

    Diggle, Andy

    Issues: 501-512

    Johnston, Antony

    Issues: 505-510, 512

    Volume 3

    Lente, Fred Van

    Issues: 001, 10.1

    Waid, Mark

    Issues: 001-010, 10.1, 011-036

    Volume 4

    Waid, Mark

    Issues: 0.1, 001, 1.50, 002-015, 15.1, 016-018

    Bendis, Brian Michael/Kesel, Karl

    Issues: 1.50

    Guggenheim, Marc/Samnee, Chris

    Issues: 15.1

    Volume 5

    Soule, Charles

    Issues: 001-028, 595-612

    Gage, Christos

    Issues: 600

    Volume 6

    Zdarsky, Chip

    Issues: 001-036

    Volume 7

    Zdarsky, Chip

    Issues: 001-014

    Nocenti, Ann

    Issues: 002

    Loo, Jason

    Issues: 011

    Volume 8

    Ahmed, Saladin

    Issues: 001-014

    Chichester, D.G./Nocenti, Ann/Schultz, Erica/Sjunneson, Elsa/Templeton, Ty

    Issues: 008

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