Arden Wolfe played Foggy Nelson's niece in the third season of DAREDEVIL on Netflix, and here we discuss what it was like for her to be part of the extended Nelson family on the show. Many thanks to Jensen Wheeler Wolfe for her assistance with the interview.
Kuljit Mithra: Hi, nice to meet you and thank you for taking the time for this interview. It's almost been a year since the third season of DAREDEVIL came out. One of the themes of the show for me was "family", and you were part of the Nelson family, but also part of the DAREDEVIL cast & crew "family" as well. Now that some time has passed, what are the things you remember most about the experience?
Arden Wolfe: I remember the kindness of the cast and crew and how all of the other kids and I were close! I loved being on set and I thought everyone working behind the scenes was awesome!
Mithra: Can you briefly talk about your background? I see you have many credits in theatre, film, commercials and voiceover work.
Wolfe: Well, I have done some theater at my school (Professional Performing Arts School) and I have done some shows at Kidz Theater. I did a voiceover for Super Wings on Netflix where I played a Danish mermaid! That was fun! I have done some work on Comedy Central in The Other Two, and this summer Nickelodeon flew me out to Chicago to do a comedy improv workshop at Second City. On October 18th you can catch me on Amazon Prime in Modern Love!
Mithra: One thing I always ask actors who have worked on the DAREDEVIL show is their audition process... was it secretive for you, did you even know what character, what show, etc? Did you even know what DAREDEVIL was?
Wolfe: I had heard of Daredevil before and I was excited when I heard I was given the chance to audition. I had never really been into Marvel shows but I started watching Daredevil and I think it's a really great program! I went in for the audition and then my mom got an email that I got it and that was about it!
Mithra: You appeared in a couple of episodes with the Nelson family at the store. While the total screen time for those scenes was short, how long did it actually take to film? Were you on set for long hours? But was it fun since it appeared everyone was having a good time anyway.
Wolfe: Yes it did take a few hours to shoot and we were there all day, but it seemed to go by quickly because everyone was just having a good time!
Mithra: You got to work with some younger actors like Jonathan O'Reilly but also Elden Henson, Peter Halpin, Deirdre O'Connell and Michael Mulheren. Was there any advice or things you learned from this experience that you hope to carry with you in your career?
Wolfe: I learned a lot about professionalism on set which I use when auditioning or working on other shows.
Mithra: Anything in particular that you can expand on? Something the actors advised to you, something you saw?
Wolfe: I learned not to talk when off set and be ready at all times to go on. I think it's called "hurry up and wait!"
Mithra: Because of your age, were you allowed to watch the show because of some of the content? Or maybe just your scenes?
Wolfe: My parents did allow me to watch Daredevil and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it!
Mithra: Last questions... If you are allowed to talk about them, can you talk about some of the projects you have coming up? Has it been tough juggling school and the work? Thanks again for the interview, I appreciate it.
Wolfe: Yes being in school and doing professional work can be difficult but because I go to a performing arts high school they are pretty used to students missing school for work so it's easy for the students and teachers to adapt . I do have some recent projects! I was just in the film Lucky Grandma which played at the Tribeca Film Festival! Also, On October 18th you can catch me on Amazon Prime in Modern Love! I'm in the trailer.
(c) 2019 Kuljit Mithra & Arden Wolfe
Daredevil:The Man Without Fear
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