Issue SummaryDAREDEVIL #11 Preview[Continued from AVENGING SPIDER-MAN #6 and PUNISHER #10] THE OMEGA EFFECT PART 3 In Grand Central Station, Spider-Man, Punisher and Cole are teaming with DD in battle against all the groups in Megacrime. They have lured the groups, using the Omega Drive as bait. DD has fallen into the horde, and Spidey rescues him. DD realizes that he was shot from behind with a rubber bullet. Cole has stolen the Omega Drive. And the gun they were going to use to destroy the drive has broken as well. The 3 split up to look for Cole. DD knows the drive can only be read with special equipment. There's only one place he figures Cole has gone... but he's tricking Cole into following him by mentioning clues out loud. Inside a building, Cole attacks DD, but DD knows she is coming. Cole tells DD she doesn't have rubber bullets in her gun now. DD can't tell if she's lying, because Cole has turned on the feedback from her microphone.
DD and Cole have a conversation about how they are alike and different. Cole says her loss is her strength and no one can be as driven as her with that kind of pain. DD says it's
insulting to real heroes to even say that. DD says that he can hear someone tracking the drive. He convinces Cole to hand over the drive, just as Megacrime smashes in and shoots
her. Spidey and Punisher show up as well and defeat the attackers. Cole is nowhere to be found after. She has left a souvenir behind for DD... the rubber bullet from her gun.
DD says he'll keep the drive and he has another plan...
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