HOME > DAREDEVIL NEWS > 2024-05-14-Daredevil-Disney-Upfront

05/14 - DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN at Disney Upfront

Today at the Disney Upfront 2024 in NYC, Vincent D'Onofrio and Charlie Cox were onhand as a new logo and release date of March 2025 revealed, and a teaser were shown to the audience.

Here are some pics...

Disney Upfront 1

Disney Upfront 2

Also revealed was that the show will have nine episodes, leading to speculation that another season will have nine episodes (to make up for the eighteen that was announced a few years ago).

Here are Cox and D'Onofrio on the red carpet...

And here are some details on what was shown in the teaser...

I'm liking the new logo, which reminds me of the Daredevil #192 cover!


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